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What issue are you most interested in your representatives tackling first?

Let your voice be heard! Read all answers before choosing. PLEASE CHOOSE AND SHARE!


Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy and Sustainable Environment
Economic Development, Trade, Industry, Mining
Education, Science, Technology & Innovation
Infrastructure, Transport and Energy
Political Affairs, Peace and Security
Health, Humanitarian Affairs & Social Development, Arts & Culture
Women & Gender Development, Youth
Cross-Cutting Issues (e.g., Disease Management, International Cooperation, Partnerships, Diaspora)
6 Total votes



I was thoroughly impressed by the candidates we have vying for a position as a candidate for the 6th Region to the AU from the United States. I am humbled to be in the presence of so many of our community who seek to right the wrongs of the past transgressions against the peoples of the continent of Alkebulan (Africa) and of indigenous peoples over the entire world. I pray the ancestors are smiling down on us as we go about our very momentos work. I am intrigued by everyone's individual accomplishments, which only proves the greatness for which our race has exhibited throughout history.


Goddess Joy changed her profile cover
6 w

Goddess Joy changed her profile picture
6 w


The future is at stake. The world is undergoing change and how will Africa play a role ?